Follow the spirit
Mauri Mauri!
I apologize for not writing in a couple weeks it has been a crazy month! So my companion is coming off an outer island but the flights are pretty rough on scheduling so he hasn't been able to make it in. So I have been just working in my area with the Elders who are about to fly out or just came back from an outer island. Super crazy transfer haha and I am still in training. But despite all the craziness the work here in Bikenibeu is going so great. Got a ton of new investigators this past week that we started to teach. Our ward is one of the biggest here on Tarawa with 300 active members but also 500 less actives. Spent a ton of time visiting less actives, and I've found the best way to get in, is to be their friend! Once they realize you care about them they are more willing to listen to the message we as missionaries have to share. So have been making a lot of new friends recently haha! Something I wish I did at home was just use the relationships we have with people to share more of what we believe to be true! We have one baptism scheduled for this Saturday and I am way excited for it. Her name is Nei Taii and was my first investigator here in Kiribati.One of my biggest takeaways this month is to listen to the promptings of the spirit. There has been so many times this month where the spirit has put something in my mind during a lesson and it just makes the lesson so much more powerful. The Holy Ghost is truly awesome and is here in our lives to listen to! He leads and guides us through this life and his promptings always lead us to do good. That is what is so awesome, the holy ghost strengthens our own testimonies as well as everyone around us. Hope all is well back home and I tangirikami!
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