
I Am A Child of God

MAURI!  So this week was another great one here in Kiribati! Hopefully you all staying safe sounds like the world is going nutz haha. No corona here so it has been awesome! We get to work everyday, which I know I am super fortunate for as I have heard a ton of missionaries are stuck inside. But this week was super great. Yesterday we had a little sacrament meeting with the sisters on the island, as we have been told no church as well! So it was just us and the sisters next to our house on a boua! Well we were able to have a little sacrament meeting and able to sing some hymns. As soon as we had closed our short meeting we turned around and all the kids from the houses around came to join us! We were able to sing Ngai Natin Te Atua ( I Am A Child of God) as well as a few other hymns with them. It was so awesome to see that even with church cancelled the kids wanted to come to church, so they came and sang with us. It was way awesome. This week we are preparing to get two more El...

Here to teach and bring others closer to our Heavenly Father

Mauri Everyone!!  This week was another super awesome week here in Tabiteua! Things have been a little crazy haha with all the events going on around the world! We had to go bike to all of towns we hold church in, both North and South, and tell them that we would not be having church this week. But regardless of all the things going on it was still another awesome week. So my experience of this week I wanted to share was so awesome. Here on Tabiteua there is only a few priesthood holders. One of those men had a son that got sick this week. He wanted to help his son but he wasn't sure how to  administer a blessing. He called us over and we were able to teach him how to use his priesthood! The blessing he gave his son was so special and it was awesome to be able to see how a blessing was able not only to change his sons life but his as well. He was very grateful that were able to teach him and he wants to know how to better use his priesthood. Here on the island there is no ...

Lord puts people in our path to help us

Mauri Everyone! So not much time this week to write but just wanted to email everyone and let them know how things were going here in Tab! I was stuck at home all week as I got this bad rash that ended up being contagious, so wasn't allowed to leave the house haha! But it is all good it is all gone now and am excited to get the work back up starting again this week. My prayers were definitely answered and my testimony of our Heavenly Father always watching out for us definitely grew exponentially this week. So I was walking out to shower and this Kiribati woman just happened to be right close to our house and saw my arm. She immediately told me to stay where I was and told someone to go grab this plant is the forest. Long story short she began making me green leaf shower water haha! I had been praying for some help and thought the medicine from the clinic would be the answer but it came through the help of the people of Kiribati! Very grateful for the people here that helped me...

Off to the outer island of Tabiteuea - Will miss Bikenibeu

Mauri from Tabiteua! So this week was awesome and very surprising at the same time! I got a call Friday night telling me that I will be getting Emergency Transfered to Tabiteuea which is an outer island! There was an Elder who was sick and I am replacing him. I arrived here earlier this morning and it is so great from what I can see so far! The island is way long and very narrow. But it's more open than Tarawa and has less people crowded next to each other! Was sad to leave Bikenibeu already and will miss the people there a ton. I felt like I just got there haha and already left. Was able to have a last dinner with my favorite family and will add a pic! But I am also grateful for this new opportunity to come work on an outer island! My new companion is Elder Neubert, he is pretty old in the mission and am excited to learn all that I can from him! Just wanted to update you all and hope you guys are all doing great.  I know the Lord has a purpose for me in Tabiteuea.  Love y...

Staying in Bikenibeu! Excited for the work

Mauri Everyone! This week was another great one here in Bikenibeu! Did not get transferred so I will be here for another one!  Super excited it has been good getting to know all the members in the ward. This week we had two baptisms Beia (from last weeks email) and Lafeta. It was so awesome to see them decide to join the church and become members. We are super busy in Bikenibeu with Elder Patane. We had like 10 lessons straight one day!  Way busy and excited for all the progress here in Bikenibeu. Wanted to give you all an update! Love ya guys  Elder McCain Baptized Nei Tai in the white and this is my favorite fam Baptisms this week - So awesome!  Spending time with Elder Naumu!!! Thanks for the pic Sister Naumu.

The Lord loves all of his children!

Kam Uara! How is everyone doing?? This week was soo good. The week started off with going to the President of Kiribati's house! The US ambassador for Kiribati was here this past week and they invited all American missionaries to dinner with them. It was so cool to get to meet both of them, even had a buffet style dinner haha and surprisingly had all American food, no fish and rice can you believe it! Was able to have a baptism this week of Nei Taai, one of our investigators! She was able to be baptized before going off and studying in Fiji! Her husband came up to me yesterday and told me she walked around to find the nearest church in Fiji which I was super happy to hear! So I wanted to share an experience with you guys about one of my investigators! So right when I got here we began to teach this guy named Beia. He wasn't super receptive to the lessons and had some problems with drinking. He works all day and his favorite thing to do after work is PS4 haha. So whenever we c...

Follow the spirit

Mauri Mauri! I apologize for not writing in a couple weeks it has been a crazy month! So my companion is coming off an outer island but the flights are pretty rough on scheduling so he hasn't been able to make it in. So I have been just working in my area with the Elders who are about to fly out or just came back from an outer island. Super crazy transfer haha and I am still in training. But despite all the craziness the work here in Bikenibeu is going so great. Got a ton of new investigators this past week that we started to teach. Our ward is one of the biggest here on Tarawa with 300 active members but also 500 less actives. Spent a ton of time visiting less actives, and I've found the best way to get in, is to be their friend! Once they realize you care about them they are more willing to listen to the message we as missionaries have to share. So have been making a lot of new friends recently haha! Something I wish I did at home was just use the relationships we have wi...