Staying in Bikenibeu! Excited for the work

Mauri Everyone!

This week was another great one here in Bikenibeu! Did not get transferred so I will be here for another one!  Super excited it has been good getting to know all the members in the ward. This week we had two baptisms Beia (from last weeks email) and Lafeta. It was so awesome to see them decide to join the church and become members. We are super busy in Bikenibeu with Elder Patane. We had like 10 lessons straight one day!  Way busy and excited for all the progress here in Bikenibeu. Wanted to give you all an update! Love ya guys 
Elder McCain
Baptized Nei Tai in the white and this is my favorite fam

Baptisms this week - So awesome! 
Spending time with Elder Naumu!!! Thanks for the pic Sister Naumu.


  1. We love and really miss Elder McCain. His presence in Bikenibeu and in our home really made our days. He has a special spirit and really felt joy whenever we see his smiles. We shall see him soon. He will be doing great in Tabiteuea NOrth.


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