Missionary Training Center Learning Kiribati Language

Hello All!!

I apologize for taking so long to email all of you! I had lost the email group but I have them back now. I am doing great, life in the MTC is awesome. My companion is Elder Nawahine, he is from Idaho. My favorite part of the MTC so far is definitely learning the kiribati language. Everyday I get to go to class and learn more and more. So Mauri Ko Uara? The best part of learning a language is being able to teach lessons here in the MTC. Usually we have just been teaching our instructors as people who are interested in the church. The two highlights of the MTC so far has been General Conference as well as this past weeks devotional. 

General Conference in the MTC was such a spiritual experience. My favorite talk was Dieter F. Utchdorfs! His talk totally relates to missionary work through his analogy. He talked about the call to adventure we all have, the best part was where he talked about learning to love. If we learn to love and press forward we will help others along in their covenant path. If you missed this talk you should totally go back and read it.

This past Tuesday Elder Quentin L Cook came and spoke! It was an awesome surprise. I'm not sure if they release the devotionals but I highly recommend all those who are about to leave for their missions to go watch it. He talked about the process of getting assigned to a mission. He clearly stated that wherever you are called that is where the Lord needs you! My second biggest takeaway was that our witness of this gospel is one of the most important things to have a missionary. 

Hopefully all is well back home, and you guys have a great week!

Elder McCain

This week was another great week here in the MTC! Only one more Preparation day until I am headed off to Kiribati. I am super excited to start serving the people there, they just seem like the best. Hopefully you are all doing great!

So this Tuesday the district participated in a language fast. So all day we couldn't speak any English. That was super hard, and I realized that I only know gospel terms haha. But I learned some very useful phrases that day so was overall so worth it . 

Last night my companion and I taught a sister that lives in Tarawa over video chat. We taught her about faith and read some scriptures from Enos. Although she was in a loud car and started laughing at us periodically I think she could understand us, or at least I hope! Also my companion told her she was beautiful on accident, but we are getting there!

My favorite scripture that I read this week was Enos 1:8 "because of thy faith in christ, whom thou hast never before heard nor seen" "he shall manifest himself, in the flesh; therefore go to, thy faith hath made thee whole" This scripture is so great, faith can lead us to some amazing places in our lives such as a mission. Through our faith we can become closer to the Savior and feel his influence that much more in our lives! Have a great week!



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