Service to others shows love to our Savior

Hello All!
Another great week here in kiribati! This week we had a marriage of a couple we were teaching, and we got to be a witness to the civil marriage! It was awesome to see them be able to take a step forward. I will add a couple pictures. One of our less actives is half paralyzed and is in a wheelchair. He loves to go to church but his family cant take him. So we decided to go to his house and push him to church. The only thing was that it was pouring rain haha! We got like a little bag and covered his head. It was a couple minute walk to church and showed up to church completely drenched. It was so awesome though to see his smile when he was able to take the sacrament and was completely worth it. So with Christmas coming up, service is the best way to show our love for the savior! Everything else here is awesome eating lots of fish and rice everyday! Hope everyone is doing great and love you all!
Elder McCain
(study spot every morning)
(Reunited with my mtc district)


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